The Jigglypuffers were joined by Pink(o-o) Threads on 2009 by DHS. Known as the imbaa class, we're secretly plotting fun and laughter!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Well this is in relation to what's been taught during Geog recently. Do take a look. The carribean plate which Haiti is on and the North American plate slipped past each other, in the east-west movement.
The Straits Times, 15th Jan 2009
What made this natural disaster tragic was the poverty and social problem the island faced. Little medical help could be rendered because the hospitals, too, collapsed. Even the President's palace collapsed.
Ok, that's all. Do readup if you want.
Homework for the weekend 1)ACE Reflections 2) Geog worksheets 3) Comprehension (4J LA class) 4) Binomials assignment 5) Physics workbook 6) Chem examples.
That's all, folks!
1:40 PM
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hey guys!
Ok, I'll attempt to post the homework list here. Feel free to edit if I happen to miss out anything.
Thanks and jiayou everyone with the homework! :)
Here goes...
1. 剪报 (x2)
2. 童年记趣 (x3)
3. 城南旧事 (read + prepare for 开卷考查)
5. Periodic table e-learning quiz
6. Complete periodic table notes
7. Periodic table worksheet
8. 2006 EOY Chem Paper
9. 2006 EOY Physics Paper.
10. Essay
11. Comprehension & Summary
MATHEMATICS (can be found in dhsmail)
12. Circular measure
13. Polynomials
14. Trigo 1
15. Trigo 2
16. Trigo 3
17. Quadratic Functions
Hope to see y'all real soon :D
12:04 AM
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hiiii all! :D
Please vote so we can get started on the planning for class chalet already. Thanks! :D
6:37 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hi all (for those who still come)
Haha, long time no come. In any case, I shall cut the crap and get straight to the point.
Assuming none of you know the sequence of the returning of exam scripts, below is the message I've received.
Monday 26/10
0915-1030 Language Arts 1030-1100 RECESS 1100-1215 Higher Chinese 1215-1245LUNCH 1245-1400 Mathematics 1 1400-1515 Physics
Tuesday 27/10
0815-0945 Chemistry 0945-1100Recess/Lunch for Geography students, Paper checking for history students. 1100-1215 Geography 1215-1330 Mathematics 2 1330-1445 Biology
That's all. Whatever it is, be it it turned out good or bad, accept it, reflect what went wrong, and improvise on it. Remember, crying ain't gonna help. Fight your tears, and channel them as energy to pursue further and fly higher.
Well, not trying to be 衰嘴, but they say we should prepare for the worst, yeah? (winks + 苦笑)
Chinese 1) 综合填空(8) 2)综合填空 (9) 3)片段缩写 4)课文练习 (单元9.26) 5)课文练习 (单元9.27)
Physics 1) Scalars and vectors assignment
Geography 1) Urban studies term paper 2) Upcoming summative test in week 9 Tested: - industries - tourism - population - urbanization
Math 1) example 2f 2) upcoming math test on Friday - circular measures and trigo 1
Language arts 1) Roleplay
9:20 AM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Any Suggestions for a teacher's day gift or surprise? Maybe could do a mini jigglypuff or smth to give to all teachers. Or something related to the offical theme Superheroes.
Tag it
Oh and please bring any boxes or stuffs on monday, to sort out the back cupboards. Cause it srsly getting messsy ><><. Any suggestions on the use of the cupboards? Again, tag!
6:00 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ah, always me posting the homework D: Well, just hanging around before i plunge into the deep, dark and endless realm of hell.
1) Chinese compre worksheet 2) Chinese 桃花源记 stuff 3) Study for chinese test 4) ACE powerpoint 5) For Mr Tan's class: Email Mr Tan 3 questions on Macbeth 6) Physics assignment 7) Geog Urban planning - Draw out an urban map 8) LA take home compre 9) Bio worksheet 10) Study for Chem test.
Ah.. seems little for you guys but i still have 2 more than the ones stipulated above.
All hail homework!
Ok that was lame. Bye!
7:49 PM
We like to Sing our hearts out;
and then Plot some mischief :D
Chairperson: Clara
Vice-Chairperson: Kimberly
Treasurer: Sabrina
Secretary: Geraldine
AV Rep: Yifeng & Xiaoqi
CIP Rep: Shi Hui
NE Rep: Wen Yi
Sports Rep: Kiat Jia Yi